WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. Cairngorms ViSIT Forum 16/11/05 Paper 2 Sustainable Tourism Action Plan Update FOR INFORMATION Introduction 1. The first update of the Sustainable Tourism Action Plan was presented to the ViSIT Forum at the April 2005 meeting (Paper 2), with the recommendation that further updates would be provided on a 6 monthly basis. This update takes into account known progress, (primarily on initiatives where the National Park is either leading or working closely with key partners) on actions up to the end of October 2005. Annual Update – April 2006 2. It is acknowledged that partners are undertaking significant work under the particular actions but these are not detailed to any great extent. It is however, planned to rectify this in the annual comprehensive update in April 2006. 3. The annual update will also report on quantitative measures of output and response such as distribution of information, press releases, attendance at training sessions etc. Review of Progress 4. A number of the actions are categorised as high priority, to be undertaken in year 1, and these are highlighted in annex 1 in bold (numbers 1a,2a,2f,3a,4f,6g). Progress has been made on each action, and further action is planned before the end of year 1. 5. Forum Members are invited to highlight and discuss any of the information updates provided. Monitoring 4. A set of sustainable tourism indicators is needed to monitor the performance and impact of tourism in the Cairngorms National Park. Alister Scott and Kirsty Blackstock from the Macaulay Institute have agreed to take this work forward together with the National Park staff, and the input and advice of the ViSIT Forum will be sought at a future meeting. Debbie Strang Tourism and Economic Development Manager Part 2b SUSTAINABLE TOURISM ACTION PLAN This is a complex table of information which cannot be converted to full text format. Please refer to PDF for details. Action Priority Year Financial Implication Update on CNPA activities or known activities by partners at 1 Nov 2005 Potential Delivery Partners ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT & CONSERVATION 1a M Develop a systematic process for keeping abreast of the state of the environment with respect to tourism, including selecting indicators, physical measures, monitoring habitats and feedback from stakeholders. High 1 Med Discussions on development of monitoring framework held with MLURI. SEPA 1b Encourage land managers to maintain attractive natural environments and access to them as a key resource for tourism, and reflect this in land management contracts. High 1-5 High Land Based Business Training Project led by the CNPA organises courses for land managers who have regular contact with visitors on access to the natural environment. SNH LA FCS 1c Ensure development control policies and process maintain the quality of landscape and biodiversity High 1-5 Low Leaflet produced ‘Biodiversity Planning Guidance Note for the Householder’ LA 1d Encourage and assist tourism enterprise to adopt sound environmental management practice by: (i) Strengthening participation in the Green Tourism Business Scheme, and other sustainable standards schemes High 1-5 Low Membership encouraged through eligibility criteria for use of Cairngorms brand. Two GTBS seminars (50 places) organised for Dec 05 offering free follow-up on-site specific advice, joining fees and 1 year’s complementary membership. All 19 members of ABSC have signed up to achieve Bronze Status within 2 years VS, TA, ABSC Cairngorms ViSIT Forum 16/11/05 Paper 1 (Annex 1) Action Priority Year Financial Implicatio n Update on CNPA activities or known activities by partners at 1 Nov 2005 Potential Delivery Partners (ii) Encourage take up of available training and advice on environmental management, and supplement as necessary Med 1-5 Med Land Based Business Project organises courses on Cairngorms Wildlife and the Law, Alternative methods to Waste Management, and is planning ‘Countryside Risk Management’ VS, TA (iii) Actively promoting enterprises that have taken verifiable steps towards better environmental management Med 1-5 Med This is occurring through take up and promotion of the Cairngorms brand. VS, (iv) Improving small businesses’ access to recycling schemes High 1-2 High Renewables and Waste Management held in Sept 05. Promotion of Community Waste initiative held at Glenmore Lodge, Nov 05, and a post-seminar booklet will be produced by the end of the year. A Cairngorms Waste Management Forum will be set up with the first meeting in February 2006. LA 1e Seek ways to raise resources for management and conservation from tourism by: (i) Co-ordinating and extending use of car park charges that contribute funds to environmental conservation High 1-5 Low Report received from summer 2005 MSc student survey into attitude to country side car parking charging in a NP. LA (ii) Investigating potential for voluntary giving scheme, and implement as appropriate High 2-5 Med Initial research undertaken by Park staff and ABSC on fact finding visit to Lakes Partnership and hosting of return visit ViSIT (iii) Encouraging tourism enterprise support for local conservation High 2-5 ViSIT, TA,CC Cairngorms ViSIT Forum 16/11/05 Paper 1 (Annex 1) Action Priority Year Financial Implicatio n Update on CNPA activities or known activities by partners at 1 Nov 2005 Potential Delivery Partners WORKING TOGETHER 2a Ensure integration between the tourism strategy and Park Plan High 1 Low Sustainable Tourism Strategy objectives and actions integrated into current Park Plan framework. Outline draft Park Plan to be considered by the Park Board Dec 05 CNPA ViSIT 2b Establish effective presence for the Cairngorms within the work of the new VisitScotland network High 1-2 Low NP Tourism and Economic Development Manager in post from 1 Aug 05. Representation on emerging Area Tourism Partnerships to ensure Cairngorms Park area represented in Action Frameworks on NESTOUR (North East Scotland Tourism ATP) and Highland ATP CNPA VS SEG INBSE HIE(M) 2c Monitor the attendance and membership profile of the ViSIT group and take steps to improve/strengthen where necessary Med 1-5 Low Review of Forum membership on-going particularly relevant in light of 2b. ViSIT 2c Encourage effective reporting and communication with wider stakeholders by members of the ViSIT group High 2-5 Low Area of work discussed in workshop during annual conference with ideas to take forward ViSIT 2d Strengthen links with local tourism associations and other networks Med 1-5 Low As above 2c CNPA contributed financial support to Cairngorms Chamber of Commerce and ABSC Marketing Ltd. ViSIT 2e Establish an annual open meeting Med 1-5 Low Over 100 delegates attended annual conference on 26th Oct 05 at the Lecht. A summary report of the conference has been produced and will be widely circulated. CNPA 2f Develop tools for regular two-way communication with all stakeholders by: Summary booklet of Sustainable Tourism Strategy circulated widely in mid August. Cairngorms ViSIT Forum 16/11/05 Paper 1 (Annex 1) Action Priority Year Financial Implicatio n Update on CNPA activities or known activities by partners at 1 Nov 2005 Potential Delivery Partners Developing an appropriate facility on the Cairngorms website High 1 Low Contact form on current website. Working Together workshop at the 2005 conference. An e-mail database and quarterly e-updates to businesses are planned. Maintaining regular tourism features in the CNPA newsletter Med 1-5 Low Regular tourism update in ParkLife newsletter Establishing features on the Cairngorms in industry communications media established by the new VisitScotland networks Med 1-5 Low VS Maintaining a clear reference guide on Park functions and who to contact. Med 1 Low Summary booklet of Sustainable Tourism Strategy includes information on ViSIT Forum members, and relevant CNPA staff. More detailed information found on the website and detailed staff structure included in post-conference 2005 report. Making use of existing communication / dissemination methods (e.g. Tourism Knowledge Scotland, Think-net, Scotexchange) Med 2-5 Low VS MARKETING 3a Apply Cairngorms brand to all National Park print and internet sites High 1 Low On-going use of the Cairngorms brand on visitorfacing publications and websites. 3a Develop policy and guidelines on the use of the Cairngorms brand for tourism, and effectively disseminate this High 1 Low BMG met on 1 Nov 05 with the next meeting on the 28 Nov 05. Criteria agreed for tourism businesses, community & tourist associations, events and nonedible products. 3b Make available copy and images on the Cairngorms for use by tourism stakeholders in their marketing High 2 Low Communications team developing image library. Cairngorms ViSIT Forum 16/11/05 Paper 1 (Annex 1) Action Priority Year Financial Implicatio n Update on CNPA activities or known activities by partners at 1 Nov 2005 Potential Delivery Partners 3b Ensure strong Cairngorms presence in destination marketing material, especially area guides High 1-2 Low CNPA & LL&T joint advert under UK NPA’s Britains Breathing Spaces Campaign for the UK and Overseas Visitor Guides, a combined circulation of almost 1 million copies. Further joint marketing activity promoting Scotland’s National Parks is being planned for 2006. LL&T, VS 3c Ensure strong Cairngorms presence on VisitScotland.com Med 2-5 Low VS 3d Develop the Cairngorms website to be a user-friendly portal for visitor enquiries, including links, events database etc. High 1-3 Med Discussions on-going with Cairngorms Chamber over website development. CC 3e Continue to produce Cairngorms visitor guide High 1-5 Med 2006 Visitor Guide to be produced on the same basis as previous guides for 2005. VS 3e Monitor use and effectiveness of visitor guide and other print – leading to a review Med 1-2 3 Low VS 3f Instigate, coordinate and implement occasional strategic marketing campaigns promoting specific themes Med 2-5 Med Enabled through marketing and events strand of CNPA Integrated Grants Scheme (IGS) Grant given to Ski Scotland Marketing Group VS, TA, PS INFORMATION & INTERPRETATION 4a Deliver interpretive framework High 1-3 Med Ranger Services running themed walks linked to Local Biodiversity Action Plan. Grants to Speyside and Glen Doll Visitor Centres An interpretation audit will be commissioned. There is an Interpretation strand to the CNPA IGS. RS CNPA 4b Identify and develop a range of venues and events that interpret the Cairngorm’s special qualities to visitors High 1-3 High SNH Cairngorms ViSIT Forum 16/11/05 Paper 1 (Annex 1) Action Priority Year Financial Implicatio n Update on CNPA activities or known activities by partners at 1 Nov 2005 Potential Delivery Partners 4c Develop a pro-active communication campaign to deliver messages to visitors post arrival Med 3-5 Med VS 4d Strengthen provision and distribution of park-wide information material Med 2 Med Support of production of Park i, a What’s On guide to the Park area produced twice yearly VS 4e Ensure TICs project Cairngorms images and messages, through: Branding in the TICs with the National Park brand High 1-2 £1,60 0 Branding in all TICs except Crathie, Kirriemuir and Kingussie. VS Providing dedicated space, displays and racking High 1-2 High The production of wooden branded leaflet racks is being investigated. These would be produced for TICs initially, and then to be located at ranger bases and other visitor centres. VS 4f Develop partnership agreements with selected outlets for housing displays and providing information Med 2/3 Med 4f Review and strengthen the process of accommodation establishments obtaining, displaying and distributing Park information High 1 Low National Park info to appear in the editorial front part of ‘Landmark Bedroom Folders’ in Cairngorms, Badenoch and Strathspey, Aberdeen and Grampian Highlands and Angus and Dundee. The Park also features in the national section of all other folders TA,PS CNPA 4g Strengthen and maintain Cairngorms knowledge and delivery by all tourism personnel by training, familiarisation visits and communication. High 1-5 Med Cairngorms Connections Courses continue to run and a distance learning / online course (for blue badge guides etc.) will be developed early 2006 TA ViSIT HIE/INB SE Cairngorms ViSIT Forum 16/11/05 Paper 1 (Annex 1) Action Priority Year Financial Implicatio n Update on CNPA activities or known activities by partners at 1 Nov 2005 Potential Delivery Partners 4h Review and strengthen use of ranger services and upgrade ranger bases for information and interpretation delivery. High 1-3 Med Consultants assessing options for delivery of ranger services, report to be complete Jan 06. CNPA funding (12.5%) approved for the new ranger base in Glen Doll. RS CNPA 4i Establish and maintain a tourism signage system High 1-3 High 10 Interim metal signs erected, 5 permanent metal signs in place at rail stations. Authorisation sought to allow use of brand on brown tourist signs pre-arrival to Park boundary. Board agreement for permanent granite entry markers. Landscape Architects to project manage installation at 21 sites appointed, subject to Scottish Executive approval. CNPA SEG LA QUALITY & WELCOME 5a M Develop a process of receiving informal visitor feedback via TICs, accommodation hosts etc. High 2 Low ViSIT 5a M Undertake comprehensive visitor survey High 3 High To tailor with VS plans to undertake comprehensive Scotland-wide survey. 5b Set targets for participation in quality certification and consider ways of encouraging levels of participation High 1-5 Med Use of brand criteria to encourage take-up of quality assurance. A code of conduct agreement is being developed by VisitScotland, for businesses who are part of the visitors experience but for whom QA is not applicable. e.g. taxis, paintings etc VS, TA HIE/INB SE 5c Review accessibility to countryside facilities and establish a programme of improvements, including improved information Med 1-3 Med Work on the Outdoor Access Strategy is continuing and will feed into the Park Plan. The strategy will drive the prioritised work over the next 5 years. Cairngorms ViSIT Forum 16/11/05 Paper 1 (Annex 1) Action Priority Year Financial Implicatio n Update on CNPA activities or known activities by partners at 1 Nov 2005 Potential Delivery Partners 5c Ensure that tourism enterprises are meeting responsibilities under Disability Discrimination legislation Med 1-3 Low Land Based Business Training Project run courses on Disability Access issues. Chamber of Commerce held DDA seminars. VS,TA CC 5d Bring together those responsible for public amenities and services, to seek to establish improvement programme Med 2-5 High LA 5e Maintain and promote training schemes in quality and welcome High 1-5 Med Landbased Business Training Project funded Welcome Host course for land managers VS, TA HIE/INB SE 5e Raise awareness of funding assistance for small improvement schemes, and extend such assistance as necessary Med 1-5 High Grants available from HIE. LEC CC 5f Consider the creation of an Park-specific award scheme for good practice Med 3 Low ViSIT 5f Keep abreast of proposals for recognising/labelling enterprises under Part 2 of the European Charter Med 1-2 Med Information on CNP brand-use criteria forwarded to Europarc. CNPA DISTINCTIVENESS & DISCOVERY 6a Make more of the guided walks and events programme as a tourist attraction by strengthening the programme, its seasonal spread, and related promotion and information High 1-2 Med Cairngorms Countryside Events 2005 leaflet placed on website, evaluation of leaflet underway. RS 6a Consider establishing a Cairngorms festival Med 3 Med Discussed at Sept Park Board meeting where it was decided that further investigative work is required. ViSIT 6b Explore tourism potential of cultural heritage themes that emerge from the ‘State of the Park’ audit. High 2-3 High CNPA producing a map/leaflet on place names IGS encourages link to natural and cultural heritage theme ViSIT 6b Engage in relevant national and regional initiatives relating to cultural heritage Med 1-5 Med See 6a ViSIT Cairngorms ViSIT Forum 16/11/05 Paper 1 (Annex 1) Action Priority Year Financial Implicatio n Update on CNPA activities or known activities by partners at 1 Nov 2005 Potential Delivery Partners 6c Provide a range of walking opportunities at all levels, well maintained and creatively promoted within the Cairngorms through the Core Paths Plan High 3 Med 2005 walking festivals leaflet to be reviewed and consider a repeat production for 2006. Core Path planning will be taking place through 2006 and 2007. Thereafter results will feed into new infrastructure development. RS, LH 6d Strengthen availability, accessibility and information on a range of activities for casual and short break visitors High 1-2 Med Activities and availability promoted and detailed in Cairngorms Visitor guide and Park i publication.. PS, TA HIE/INB SE 6d Research market and product needs and opportunities concerning future of skiing and potential of making more of field sports. Med 2-4 Med Initial meetings held Nov 05 with Countryside Sports Tourism Group with the aim of running a pilot project in the CNP. PS, LH HIE/INB SE 6e Seek ways to strengthen wildlife watching opportunities for all visitors, and work with operators on improved networking, training and packaging. Med 2-3 Med Some events provided within Countryside Events leaflet PS, LH SNH, SE HIE/INB 6f Encourage and support the development of product and experiences on the theme of learning about the land. Med 1-3 Med Possible inclusion in Park entry interpretation Land Based Business Training Project organises courses for dealing with the media and communications . RS, LH 6g Consider establishment of a small grants for innovative product improvement and development and events. Med 1-3 High Integrated Grant Scheme marketing and events strand. HIE grants for product development. LEC, SEN,HI E 6g Develop networks and proposals for bids to VisitScotland’s Challenge Fund High 1 Low CNPA fully supported applications to VisitScotland’s Challenge Fund, providing match funding to ABSC and SkiScotland. Funding for Marketing was a workshop topic at the Tourism Conference in Nov 2005. CC, TA ViSIT CNPA Cairngorms ViSIT Forum 16/11/05 Paper 1 (Annex 1) Action Priority Year Financial Implicatio n Update on CNPA activities or known activities by partners at 1 Nov 2005 Potential Delivery Partners ENTERPRISE & ECONOMY 7a M Keep abreast of industry performance and needs through the ViSIT forum and through establishing a regular ‘how’s business’ check High 2-5 Low ViSIT, CC, TA 7a M Conduct an omnibus tourism enterprise survey High 2-3 Med ViSIT, CC, TS 7b Bring development support and training agencies together to discuss needs and coordinate delivery Med 1-2 Low Skills audit on-going with businesses, and training needs with school leavers. Both deliver end 2005 when further options will be discussed. ViSIT, CC LEC 7b Establish pool of experts who can be called upon to deliver advice on sustainable tourism to enterprises Med 2 Low ViSIT 7c Maintain a fair, transparent approach to the control of tourism development through the planning process High 1-5 Low Cairngorms Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise companies and councils being involved in Local Plan research. LA 7d Investigate the potential for more diversification of farms/landholdings into tourism, and the support needed. Med 2-3 Med Land Based Business Project organises Wildlife Tourism Diversification courses for land managers, farmers, etc LH,SNH HIE/INB SE 7e Strengthen awareness and spending on local crafts and produce, through researching producers, branding and strengthening information on sources for enterprises and visitors. High 1-2 Med Cairngorms Food Producers survey completed 2004. Local arts and craft producers meeting on 24th Nov 2005 to discuss forming an association. VS, CC 7f Work together to develop policy and actions that will help to improve the availability of local labour supply for tourism enterprises High 1-3 High The Vocational Training programme will react to employers needs in establishing new hospitality vocational and recreational training programmes HIE LEC,VS Cairngorms ViSIT Forum 16/11/05 Paper 1 (Annex 1) Action Priority Year Financial Implicatio n Update on CNPA activities or known activities by partners at 1 Nov 2005 Potential Delivery Partners VISITOR MANAGEMENT 8a Establish a spatial policy/plan relating to visitor volumes, carrying capacities and visitor spreading and flows across the Park. High 1-2 Med This will be considered as part of the Park Plan development, and Outdoor Access Strategy. 8a Establish policies and priorities for action for strengthening provision and use of public transport by visitors within a transport plan for the Cairngorms. Med 1-2 Med Integrated public transport timetable brochure, Cairngorms Explorer distributed. Park-wide transport audit and survey planned. LA, EN, CNPA 8b M Monitor visitor and traffic volumes and movements, especially at peak times High 2-5 Med STEAM survey has given important baseline indicators and will continue to 2007 (CNP Board approval required) LA 8c Develop itineraries and promotional initiatives to encourage more visitor use of existing public transport High 1-2 Low Cairngorms Explorer 2006 to include illustrative walks and cycle rides utilising public transport LA PS 8c Identify gaps in public transport timetabling and provision on relevant routes and seek to extend service to meet potential tourist demand, including subsidy if appropriate Med 1-3 High 8a and 8c to address this. LA EN 8d Assess and develop the potential for more opportunities for exploring the Park by foot, cycle, riding and canoe, including improved facility provision, packaging and information. Med 3 Med Land Based Business Project provides advanced qualification course for outdoor recreation providers so that they can provide an enhanced service to visitors. The Speyside Way extension discussed by Park Board Sept 05. discussions underway with Sustrans about the feasibility of the route not being multi-use. Discussion with bus operators is ongoing, with increased cycle carriage provision being encouraged & partially funded by CNPA. PS 8e Conduct a feasibility study into providing a shuttle bus service Med 1-3 Med LA HIE/INB SE Cairngorms ViSIT Forum 16/11/05 Paper 1 (Annex 1) Action Priority Year Financial Implicatio n Update on CNPA activities or known activities by partners at 1 Nov 2005 Potential Delivery Partners 8f Instigate and maintain dialogue with coach operators, including possible production of coach drivers’ handbook Med 3-5 Low VS COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT 9a Ensure good level of community representation and involvement in structures identified under ‘Working Together’ High 1-2 Low CNPA currently provides financial support to the Association of Cairngorms Community Councils. ViSIT 9a M Obtain feedback on residents opinion of tourism, through adding questions to regular surveys or consultation work and if necessary undertaking occasional specific surveys. Med 1-5 Low MScStudent research into Boat of Garten residents views on impact of tourism, summer 2005. Feedback given to ViSIT Forum. 9a Maintain coverage on tourism in Park newsletters and local media Med 1-5 Low On-going 9b Encourage providers of tourism facilities to promote use to local residents High 1-5 Low TA PS 9c Encourage hosts to provide visitors with information on the availability of services local to where they are staying Med 1-5 Low Support of Park I publication which includes information on local services. TA PS CC 9d Encourage and assist local communities to provide facilities and events to tourists Med 1-5 Med Enabled through the CNPA Integrated Grant Scheme. VS HIE/INB SE